I couldn't believe how similar the two are. the differences I see? Joy Williams (of The Civil Wars) has a better voice than Nicole Johnson. But I'd rank Josh Johnson's voice above John Paul White's. The tie-breaker? John Paul White's breathtaking classical guitar picking. If you liked them, Elenowen has a free sampler and The Civil Wars have a free live album up on Noisetrade.
Wilco just released a new album, they've never been mainstream, and the chances of them hitting the radio? not that high. However there are two songs that stick out from Whole Love
I was introduced to the Avett Brothers this week. In my opinion, here are their two best singles, but I would encourage you to take a look at much more than this:
here in Virginia, finals are just starting. and with finals comes my inevitable immersion in etherial alternative pop. you're probably familiar with florence + the machine (if you're not, skip her new album and just enjoy Lungs), but take a minute to check out oh land (an injured dancer turned musician) and cults (slightly off-beat punky-pop).
Song of the day (maybe two) and then I have to get back to studying, its exam week here at college. I've been listening to some of the older albums by Snow Patrol, and while I would love to take the time to rip them for their latest album Fallen Empires... I just don't have that luxury this week. Here's some of their older stuff:
Today is a day for Arcade Fire, specifically their new album. Now I am sure many of of you have already heard of them, and many of you are already fans. I'm just going to highlight my favorites, old and new, there should be something you haven't heard before.
Arcade fire Album: The Funeral
1) Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
2) Rebellion (Lies)
Album: The Suburbs
1) Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) -and let me just add that this is by far one of the best songs produced in the last couple years
2) Suburban War
3) The Suburbs
-and its (continued) finale
Not everyone immediately likes Arcade Fire, or understands the themes behind their music, I would encourage you to check out these albums, and not just their best songs.
I apologize for not posting anything for about 48 hours, I haven't been spending much time in front of the comp lately, here are my favorite from the last couple weeks.
Trek -Ant Food You may recognize this song from the emirate's airlines commercial that has been playing a lot on hulu/tv lately, yes I watch hulu instead of tv and yes House is one of my favorite tv shows.
Oh My God -Kassidy
This song kinda hit the spot for me in a lot of ways, the the chorus, the lyrics, the old-fashioned piano? I think that's what it is...
Carry Me Home -The Alternate Routes
I had to let this song grow on me before I really started to like it, the chorus is fantastic (2:18 to be exact) just give it a chance
Demons -Imagine Dragons
Credit for this goes to my solitary follower ha! and its a great song
Ryan Adams is one of those artists everyone has heard at some point. He has released countless solo albums and many more in conjunction with artists like Willie Nelson, Weezer, Counting Crows, and others. His most recent album Ashes & Fire peaked at #7 on billboard 200. Here is some of his older stuff that I consider to be the best of Ryan Adams.